SMART Asset Management

SMART Digitalization for Asset Management

Technology innovation are driving business to transform the traditional way of work in Asset Management using digitalization, expecting that this change will contribute to manage risk and improve cost, performance, quality and safety.

Asset management is a set of coordinated activities, involving the balancing of costs, opportunities and risks against the desired performance of assets to achieve an organization’s objectives.

Digitalization can improve Asset Management processes, providing new methods and opportunities for the business considering that the value created would be higher than the cost of creating the value.

Why do you need a Digital Transformation Assessment? 

The starting point for the digital transformation is the understanding of the actual baseline. 

Don’t start with any digital change without knowing where you are. So, before digital transformation project it's essential to gain evidence, translated in results, digital strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and priorities. This will give you information related with the pillar’s maturity: 

  • Governance and leadership,  
  • People and Culture,  
  • Capacity and capability,  
  • Innovation, 
  • Technology. 

Also, you should be able to know: 

  • The value propositions, 
  • What your customers (internal/external) want? 
  • What are your key competitors doing? 
  • What is the type of skills you need for the future and how this will impact on your existing human resources? 
  • What are the existing technology and what type of equipment can you use status of the art technology? 

Therefore, any decision will be based on the investment required to transform efficiently compared with the results that you want to obtain keeping the social responsibility! 


What is Digital Transformation? 

Business Transformation process consists in changing processes, systems, people and technology across the whole business or business unit, to achieve measurable improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction. 

Digital transformation is the profound transformation of business and processes, organizational activities, competencies and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities introducing a mix of digital technologies accelerating impact across the business in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind. 

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Digital Transformation

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