Overall Equipment Effectiveness, designated as OEE is an industry recognized method of measuring how well the asset works compared to its full potential.
The results are stated in a generic form which allows comparison between manufacturing units in differing industries.
The preferred way to calculate OEE = Availability X Performance X Quality and provides a rich understanding of waste in the manufacturing process by breaking it down into the three loss factors.
OEE has also been valued as an effective change agent for bringing maintenance, production and engineering together to address issues that affects operating performance, as measured by OEE losses.
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An effective RCA is based on decision making and this depends on how effective you are managing data before it’s time to analyze it. To support Overall Equipment Effectiveness within a problem-solving process, the team should follow these steps to get data for decision making:
Overall Equipment Effectiveness is about digging beneath the symptom of a problem.
Most organizations mistakenly use the term “root cause” to identify only one main cause. Focusing on a single cause can limit the solutions set, resulting in the exclusion of viable solutions. Root cause investigation provides a simple visual explanation of all the causes that contributed to the incident. The root is the system of causes that reveals all of the different options for solutions.
Caixa de TextoCaixa de TextoCaixa de TextoWhen using Root cause investigation, the word root in Overall Equipment Effectiveness refers to possible cause or causes that are beneath the symptom. The output can result in multiple opportunities to mitigate risk and prevent problems.
If you find the root causes you can solve the problem!
A typical design of a Overall Equipment Effectiveness in an organization might follow these steps:
There are several approaches to problem solving. All of them are effective if properly used.
We will highlight 8D and A3 Report.
8D stands for the 8 disciplines or the 8 critical steps for solving problems. It is a highly disciplined and effective scientific approach for resolving chronic and recurring problems.
The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem-solving methodology designed to find the root cause of a problem, devise a short-term fix and implement a long-term solution to prevent recurring problems. When it’s clear that your product is defective or isn’t satisfying your customers, an 8D is an excellent first step to improving Quality and Reliability.
Ford Motor Company developed this problem-solving methodology, then known as Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS), in the 1980s. The early usage of 8D proved so effective that it was adopted by Ford as the primary method of documenting problem solving efforts, and the company continues to use 8D today.
8D has become very popular among manufacturers because it is effective and reasonably easy to teach. Below you’ll find the benefits of an 8D, when it is appropriate to perform and how it is performed.
The 8D process has Overall Equipment Effectiveness (RCA) imbedded within it. All problem-solving techniques include RCA within their structure. The steps and techniques within 8D which correspond to Overall Equipment Effectiveness are as follows:
The A3 Report is a very useful problem solving and continuous improvement tool. It was first used by Toyota and is quickly gaining popularity in industry today. Companies must start to view problems as opportunities for improvement. The A3 Report format allows the entire problem identification, clarification, analysis and resolution steps to be documented on one single sheet of paper.
The A3 Report is based upon the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Method. The PDCA process is sometimes referred to as the Deming Wheel or Deming Circle. The A3 Report incorporates this basic premise to problem solving and continuous improvement.
The A3 Report format can be used to more effectively communicate all of the pertinent information with greater visual impact. While the A3 Report is an effective communication tool, it is actually much more valuable as a problem solving and critical thinking tool that can be used to drive continuous improvement. The A3 Report fosters a problem solving / continuous improvement mindset within the participating team members. It is an excellent tool for managers and supervisors to share problem solving techniques with their teams. With resources being limited, completion of a formal A3 Report may not be applicable to every problem. Its use should be determined based upon the size of the problem and its impact on the business or organization. The A3 Report and the A3 way of thinking are valuable tools for Lean initiatives and for integrating a problem-solving culture throughout the organization.