With the Asset Criticality Analysis training, you will be able to:
Know how to determine the relative ranking of the assets in your organization or system in order to establish quantified criteria to provide focus and prioritization in your reliability improvement program.
Asset Criticality Analysis is a systematic approach for determining the relative ranking of assets in a plant or system. The purpose is to objectively rank assets and form a collective agreement and analysis.
The criticality analysis has defined criteria that outlines the potential consequences so that they can be evaluated, categorized and prioritized. Using the defined criteria for each major area of risk ensure all equipment is evaluation with comparable and validated criteria.
The participants will attend a theoretical training session and a workshop on the Asset Criticality Analysis methodology.
The Asset Criticality Analysis training workshop will be performed with a simulation that will ensure the implementation of the methodology learned during the theoretical training, including the use of asset hierarchy, factors and criteria and scoring process. This will reinforce the comprehension of the Asset Criticality Analysis methodology.
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